Club Idea: Frozen in Time

The popularity of Disney's latest movie "Frozen", combined with an extremely long winter that many of us are experiencing makes a "Frozen In Time" club seem more than appropriate. Clorissa Brooks (YoungLives in Des Moines, IA) sent in the following idea:

"I asked them to share one moment they wish they could have "frozen in time" in their lives.  This then led to the conversation about how, even though we might want to "re-experience" or wish we could "freeze and moment in time", our every day, every minute brings change. We can not be 100% certain as to what our next moments bring. However, God never changes.  His character remains the same, His Word never falters or fails."

The craft and mixer ideas that could be paired with this are endless. (Just search "Frozen Crafts" on Pinterest to get started.) Serve a cold dessert at the end of your time together, or make snow ice cream with the kids! 

Thanks for sharing, Clorissa! Have a club idea you would like to share? email Amy ( and it will be featured on the blog!

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