For our October club we played a mixer where we all created scary stories together. 5x7 cards were passed out, each with a scary first line of a story already written on it. Each girl was given a pen and asked to add one sentence to the card and pass it on to the next girl. The girls added lines to each story that they recieved until their card had gone all the way around the circle and returned to them. To finish we each read our finished story out loud. It was so much fun as girls incorporated mentors and their children into the stories! Here's a sample of our finished product...
"From the open grave rose a... smelly diaper... filled with baby poop and... the graveyard worker threw up in his mouth... the diaper smelled so bad that... Diamonds eyes popped out the back of her head, then ran down the street... They've never been able to find the culprit or her eyes since!"
Hahaha... then we all died of laughter!
Shared by Renee McKim- Chicago,IL
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