Spaghetti Feed Restaurant Partnership

We have developed a relationship with a local restaurant called The Tap Club that does spaghetti fundraising dinners on Sundays for local groups. If you don't have a local restaurant that already does fundraising dinners, this may be something you could suggest/request!

We keep the cost very reasonable and invite people to come after church, and this year we had over 250 people attend! Tickets are $7 -$1 goes to the owner as well as profit from drinks, $3 goes to the chef who oversees the cooking and $3 goes to us. They do all of the work of cooking, set-up, and clean-up.

We also have a bake sale and auction at the dinner, and altogether this year we made $2,700. Teen moms come to earn some credit off their camp deposit. It is so wonderful to see our girls working together and really having a great time! It is also a great fellowship time as everyone seems to love just hanging out and visiting with each other.

Shared by Judy Pytlik--Pittsburgh North Hills

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