Does YoungLives Work? Survey Says.... Yes!

In an external survey taken by over 2,000 teen moms involved in YoungLives, the results are clear. Involvement in YoungLives - and particularly, involvement with a YoungLives mentor - produces deep, meaningful, and far-reaching change. Just take a look at a few of these graphics pulled from the YoungLives Impact Report (available for download or purchase here).

The survey concludes that:
The data confirms that YoungLives' method of putting relationships first - and giving teen moms a chance to give back - is working. From increased educational attainment and aspirations, to improved parenting skills, to a new sense of hope and purpose and a strong support system - YoungLives is making it possible for teen moms to beat the odds and build a secure future for themselves and their children. Not only do young moms gain a group of peers and mentors to help them navigate a daunting path, but they find value, meaning, and hope along the way. And that makes all the difference. 
YoungLives staff and volunteers can access the entire PowerPoint presentation of the findings here, complete with take-aways about strengthening mentor relationships, deepening faith conversations, and diversifying the racial/ethnic make-up of YoungLives staff and volunteers. 

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