Young Life Day of Prayer: March 4, 2014

“Dear Lord, give us the teenagers that we may lead them to Thee. Our hearts ache for the millions of young people who remain untouched by the Gospel and for the tragically large proportion of those who have dropped by the wayside and find themselves without spiritual guidance. Help us to give them a chance, oh Father, a chance to become aware of thy Son’s beauty and healing power in the might of the Holy Spirit. Oh, Lord Jesus, give us the teenagers, each one at least long enough for a meaningful confrontation with Thee. We are at best unprofitable servants, but thy grace is sufficient. Oh, thou Holy Spirit, give us the teenagers. For we love them and know them to be awfully lonely. Dear Lord, give us the teenagers.”  – Jim Rayburn

Young Life, and therefore YoungLives, is a mission founded on prayer. When our founder, Jim Rayburn, set out to reach "the furthest kid out", he did so by starting on his knees. Our hope is that you are in continuous conversation with our Savior as you walk alongside teen moms, equip volunteers to do effective ministry, and work within your individual communities. 

What a blessing it is, then, to be part of a ministry that sets aside days specifically for prayer. Today, gather your mentors, your committees, your teen moms, your prayer warriors, and kneel before Jesus in prayer. 

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