How to Befriend Churches (Including a Sample Downloadable Letter!)

Churches are arguably one of YoungLives' most powerful allies. Aside from the fact that they can often easily host club (since they have nursery space, a kitchen AND club space) and that they often become some of our most consistent and long-lasting donors - churches also hold the power to hook us up with potential volunteers and mentors. And on top of all those good things, we need great churches to come alongside our teens as they enter adulthood. We need churches to be a safe place where single 20-something moms can find a home for friendship, discipleship, and support long after they have outgrown YoungLives.

But how do we initiate connections with pastors and ministry leaders who are swamped with lots of other good things? Here are a few quick ideas to get you started!

  1. Download this sample letter to churches to use as a first step in introducing YoungLives in your community or as part of your volunteer recruiting strategy. Send it along with a brochure or flyer with pictures of the teen moms in your area. 
  2. Don't stop with a letter! That's just step number one, remember? Follow up with a phone call, a personal visit by their office with some Young Life swag as a gift, or some other personal gesture. 
  3. Find out who your friends know! Knowing someone in the church who can introduce you to the pastor - or even knowing a friend of a friend who goes to that church - can get you on the fast-track to an introduction. 
  4. Join a small group or Bible study hosted by the church, or check the church calendar for other events coming up that you could attend or even volunteer for. In other words - get on their turf. 
Just like with teens, churches won't care how much you know until they see how much you care. It's all about earning the right to be heard, building bridges and forming relationships. Shall I go on? I'll stop. But in all truth, contact work with churches shouldn't look any different from contact work with teens. It's in our Young Life DNA for a reason - let's use it to our full advantage!

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